Wednesday, February 7, 2007

And Life Goes On

Well, I guess it's a good thing that I don't have high expectations for much of anything anymore because if I did, I reckon I might've been disappointed by today. You see, today I went to my unpaid training at the new school where I'll be teaching in March. But it wasn't so much a training as a really long meeting to inform us that we are going to be so busy that we won't have time to pee, breath or finish all of our mandatory lesson planning due to the incredibly heavy teaching load we'll have. I mean, in a school where you will be teaching 33 of the available 40 hours in a work week, you would think that they would want to cut down on the extra paperwork crap so you would have time to prepare your brain and materials for your classes. But then, you remember that this is Korea and what usually makes sense in the work place is ignored, as is conventional wisdom about efficiency, productivity and workplace happiness.

But you see, I was expecting all of this, so no, I am not disappointed. But I am wondering, should I just drop it? I haven't not signed a contract, gotten my visa or made any deals that I can't break, so would it be so terrible to just not do it? Of course, I do live in Korea and if I live here, I'm gonna hafta work here... So then, is it just pointless to quit this job before it starts and find another, equally shitty job? I mean, let's face it, I haven't liked any job I've had in this country, so should I even try? If I know the reality, can I live with it?

Okay, these are all redundant questions. I'm not going to run. I'm not going to quit. AND I'M NOT LEAVING KOREA YET, so don't even throw that one up in the comments field... On the up side, my new coworkers seem decent. I think I might even like them, but it's not official so no press conferences, okay?

And the rest of my life? Well, you could say that it goes on. My Korean is improving despite the fact that I never study. The GS has been re-elected, and the GS, as usual, is not home even though it's my bedtime. Rani the cat is bigly huge now, but still pees in my room when she is angry at the GS. And my roommates, no, they aren't home either.

Like I said. Life. It goes on.


Anonymous said...

Fine. I won't say it. But can you at least get instant messenger on whatever computer you're using so we can chat?

BerryBird said...

I saw your whine over at Phantom's. These new co-workers have to be better than the old ones, right? 'Cuz they can't get much worse than that.

Gmail has a great instant messenger built right into the mail program, and there is nothing special to install... you just sign up (it's free). I get the feeling it would make Skinny Monkey Girl pretty happy.