When I'm in a bad mood, the director of the school is in a bad mood, and my supervisor is in a bad mood, none of us should bother to speak. Yesterday, I got my ass chewed for a making what I thought was a rather modest suggestion. Maybe I said it in an offensive way, I don't know, but what I do know is that the rather innocent comment was not worth the 45 minutes of conversations I had to have as a result of it. Lesson: Keep your mouth shut at work. Whatever it is, it's not worth it.
Especially not when the universe is in a particularly spiteful mood, as it has been this year with me and the GS. And on that note, we are rather rocky at the moment, thanks for asking. He is extremely depressed and feeling hopeless. I'm feeling the same and also neglected. We are just an argument waiting to happen, witness last night circa 1am.
I'm tired. I'm grumpy. I don't want to be at work. In fact, the only place I want to be is in bed. And I'm counting the days til I can leave this job for good. And do what? Who the hell knows, but at least it won't be here.
arguments suck, and stress makes it worse, fatigue makes it worse and the combination of fatigue and stress is worse than mixing ammonia and bleach (which i did on accident in our basement of our store that will open in 15 short days, and one can still fall through the floor, but that's another story)
remember sometimes the stress is a tricky bastard, and it makes the situation worse, and maybe this isn't making any sense. i don't know, but i miss you and stress sucks. good night.
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