Tuesday, November 20, 2007

and just like that

it was winter.

Well, Fall ended before anyone had time to enjoy it around here. It seemed like the leaves were golden and dropped to the street in the same week, and yesterday it snowed. Well, I didn't really think it snowed because where I come from whatever it was falling from the sky would've never qualified as the season's first real snow, but everybody here thought it was so I guess majority takes it. Anyhow, yesterday we had this kind of semi-frozen icy rain which occasionally looked like snow as it was falling, but never stuck to the ground. And I had to walk home in it in high heels. I know, weird right? I was wearing high heels yesterday. For like the second time in a year. So my feet were cold and wet and whatever that was falling from the sky definitely wasn't snow.

But this morning, I had this view of the city buses from the like the 3rd floor of a building, and the bright green locals looked kind of iridescent because of the icy sheen from lasts night's frozen rain. It was pretty cool.

And tonight at dusk as I walked down the no-longer yellow brick road, I noticed that the ginkgo trees were had nothing more than their berries hanging off their branches, and the persimmon trees have only bright orange persimmons hanging by their little stems, which actually looked kind of garish because the orange is so bright and and everything else is only brown and grey. Kind of look a tired hooker with paper grey skin and bright red lipstick.

And thus ends my stream of consciousness.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Same thing here...weird.